Pics of The Pod's

The Pod's = Dennis, Natasha, Irina, Carolina. These are my Russian friends. This is an amazing family. Dennis and Natasha brought their family to the U.S. for a short time so Dennis could attend ACU to receive his Masters in Divinity. Dennis is one smart dude! He learned english by watching U.S. television after he arrived, then he took the ACU campus by storm and pretty much set the curve in all of his classes. Natasha has started the only Russian language Christian radio station on the internet. Russian speaking people all over the world can tune into the radio station to hear Christian music and inspiring stories. Dennis and Natasha are about to move to Katy, TX where they will spend 10 months with their supporting church to get to know them before they head back to their homeland, to their families, to a nation who is hungry for the joy of Christ. Dennis and Natasha mean so much to me, not only because we have become friends, not only because Natasha makes a wonderful cup of hot tea, but because they have dedicated their lives to sharing the Gospel of Christ. Each one of them have been gifted by the Lord in many ways. Just to be around them brings an aroma of Christ as that is what they are about. To my friends The Pods, you have brought joy and love, you have shown us how to be missionaries in our own backyard, you have touched my heart in so many ways. I will miss seeing you on Wednesday nights in the fellowship hall as you minister to refugee's. I will miss tea with Natasha and our long talks. May your eyes always be focused on Christ, rejoice in His plan for you. We might be many miles and even oceans away but my prayers will always be with you for you have found a place in my heart that will always be yours. Shine on friends. God's Speed.


Anonymous said…
WOW! You did a great job! However, my eyes have tears at the goodbye coming next week. DeLynda
Svetlana Yanova said…
Amazing pics!!! You totally captured their personalities! I've known them for over 12 years now - great family!

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